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Dr. Marilynn Miles

Pastor · Author · Motivator

Dr. Marilynn Miles,

Pastor of Greater Hope Ministries and a bona-fide Scribe in the Kingdom of GOD is a straight-forward, gifted motivator and communicator who teaches GOD’s Word with clarity and revelation, inspiring others to pursue a more intimate relationship with GOD.

She is also the wife of Minister Clarence Miles, an explosive teacher of the Living Word, and mother of too many children to number.

Dr. Miles’ anointing has motivated thousands to excellence. She is a full believer of “The Word Being Made Flesh.” Her faith has been one that has transcended this visible world and caused the INVISIBLE to respond in the visible with a vengeance. People have been healed, set free, and delivered through her preaching of the Gospel and without reservation, the HOLY SPIRIT presents her to the body of CHRIST.

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